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Dedicated Experts— in recovery of Unclaimed Air ticket Refunds.

expertsTTS has built domain expertise, efficiency and accuracy in refund processing for Travel Agents worldwide. TTS’ automated software captures and analyses ticket data to generate accurate refunds for the Travel Agents to the last penny.


Our software undertakes a comprehensive segment level detail of each ticket validating multiple fare calculations and checks to identify valid refunds within an array of rules and regulations associated with each travel segment of each ticket and deliver maximum revenues for our clients.




Generate additional incremental revenues by identifying and claiming refund of fully or partially unused refundable tickets which remain hidden to the Travel Company.
Improve your bottom line

Security & Systems

Foolproof security compliance at every level for protection of customer’s data and other information.
Execution of a legally compliant NDA ensuring complete confidentiality and security.

Why us

Pioneers in the field of Recovery management having recovered substantial additional revenues for Top Travel Companies worldwide through our exclusive technology.

About Us

aboutTTS is Led by a team of reputed Travel Professionals having a background of heading Top European and Indian Airlines in India collectively bringing 100+ years of experience to the table. The leadership enjoys a high goodwill with its customers and is focussed on building tenured relationships with clients. The team blends global experience and local market intelligence in a way that can create the right value for its partners.


We also have an inhouse team of executives who are fully trained to provide exceptional support and assistance where required to oversee the process and are available to clients to answer queries and offer explanation.

The Products

RIKAVI is an automated software developed by TTS which identifies, expedites and simplifies ticket refund process and allows you to claw back unclaimed revenues.


- RIKAVI works based on refund validity of tickets as allowed by individual Airlines.

- Refunds get credited directly to the original FOP (Form Of Payment) used for ticketing.

SIGMA is a model in which TTS provides Travel Companies a complete and comprehensive servicing for complete business process (end to end) on a day to day basis covering all Ticket reissues, Revalidations, Refunds and all other related services.


- Works as per agreed SLAs and compensation

- Proven benefits of cost saving, Manpower handling, accurate & quick delivery.

BEETA is our unique solution to assist Travel Companies for easy sign up without the need for providing us any GDS or BSP access. The Travel Company needs to provide 13 digit ticket numbers of all FSC tickets issued & TTS will identify tickets with a possible refund value . These tickets can then be refunded by the Travel Company themselves.


140 million
140 million

Ticket Transactions & Generate

$27 million
$27 million

Refunds in Value

100+ Years
100+ Years

of Collective Experience